Visual perception is one’s ability to receive, process, organise, and interpret visual information. The skill of visual perception is important for academic tasks such as: handwriting, reading, spelling, and maths. Visual perception is also needed for completing puzzles, drawing, and being able to successfully engage in movement activities such as hitting a ball with a bat.
The components of visual perception include:
- Visual attention
- Visual discrimination
- Visual memory
- Spatial relationships
- Sequential memory
- Figure ground discrimination
- Form/shape consistency
- Visual closure
- Sensory processing
An indication that your child is experiencing difficulty with their visual perception may include:
- Difficulty identifying an object on a crowded page
- Difficulty catching a ball
- Poor handwriting
- Losing place on page when reading
- Difficulty with dressing skills
- Challenging to negotiate an obstacle course
- Regularly bumping or knocking into objects

Seirrah OT can help to develop visual perceptual skills by first carrying out an assessment to analyse the way a variety of tasks are completed and to build insight into the specific difficulties the individual may be facing. Part of the assessment may include observations, administering standardised assessment tools, taking a history profile from parents, and completing school questionnaires.
Following assessment, the Occupational Therapist will work with you and your child to establish treatment goals, and create an individualised programme which will include activities and tasks aimed at improving visual perception skills and address any underlying components.
The Occupational Therapist will ensure various approaches to intervention are explored to enable them to work with the individual and their individual needs.
Below are some of the activities, strategies, and approaches that we may include:
- Adapting or modifying the environment
- Games that engage a variety of visual perception skills
- Navigating though obstacle courses
- Use compensatory strategies, for example: visual cues or raised lines on paper
- Word search puzzles
- Game of lotto
- Practising building block designs
- Playing memory games
- Following mazes
- Finding objects in hidden pictures
If you feel that your child has visual perception difficulties, please contact our team for more information on how Seirrah OT can support, either by email: or call: 02920 023314

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