Independent Living

Seirrah OT specialise in supporting young people from the age of 14 to 25, and their families, during times of transitions and in accessing various environments, resources, and activities. Some of which include:
- Learning domestic skills such as washing clothes, managing money, and cooking meals
- Accessing education
- Accessing voluntary work
- Accessing employment
- Accessing the community and social groups
- Learning pre-vocational skills
- Learning how to use transport
Our Occupational Therapists help individuals to lead independent, productive, and satisfying lives.
Transition planning is important at critical points within a young person’s life and will ensure the movement from one setting, school or programme will be carried out appropriately, effectively, and smoothly. This careful planning will allow the individual to experience as little disruption or worry as possible, and allow them to improve both academically and functionally.
A transition plan whilst in education should define the child’s long term goals and desired outcomes. To ensure the child is able to achieve the goals set; services provided should be based on the child’s needs, strengths, preferences, and interests.
Seirrah OT can assist with transition planning for children, some instances we can help with include:
- Prepare the family and child for changes; such as, the individuals supporting them or routines
- Provide education for the family and school personnel on the needs of the child and how diverse these may be
- Evaluate support needed for the child to participate in school; for example, assistive technology, specialised seating or one to one support
- Facilitate the learning of academic skills
- Facilitate the learning of functional living skills to enable the child to participate at school
- Enhance social and play skills as well as leisure activities
- Assist with school mobility and the recommendation of adaptations, accommodations, and equipment
Our Occupational Therapy team can support transition for families and children with and without disabilities in order to help children grow and learn to be as independent as possible.
Transitions Planning
Seirrah OT can assist with transition planning for young adults, some instances we can help with include:
- Evaluate support required for employment or further education through role assessment and activity analysis
- Facilitate the learning of pre-vocational skills
- Facilitate the learning of domestic skills
- Enhance social integration in the community and access to groups and clubs
Our Occupational Therapy team help children and young adults to achieve their potential by adopting a “there’s no limits” approach, meaning children moving from early intervention to school services, and then moving from school to adult life successfully.

Please contact our team for more information on how Seirrah OT can support with transition planning, or enabling individual’s aged 14 to 25 in furthering their independence, either by email: or call: 02920 023314

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02920 023314
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The MAT Centre,
Walnut Tree Farm Park,
St.Brides, NP10 8SQ
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