Occupational Therapy Assessments
Seirrah OT have a range of assessment packages that we offer which are all individualised to your specific needs. We are able to assess in the Cardiff based clinic or at various destinations across the UK. All our assessments are conducted thoroughly and we ensure as many areas are focused on within the same assessment time slot, we are however, able to conduct the assessment over a number of visits if this is easier for the individual and their needs.
Assessment times can vary dependant on a variety of aspects including:
- Individual needs
- What needs assessing
- If standardised assessments need administering
- If the assessment includes training of any recommended programmes
- The level of engagement
We aim to keep assessment waiting times as low as possible and will confirm the date of our next available slot within 24 hours of you speaking with one of our Occupational Therapists.

Standardised Assessments
Seirrah OT assesses babies, children, adolescents, and young adults using clinical observations. As part of some of our assessments we may need to administer one of our standardised tests.
We are currently able to offer the following assessments:
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales – Second Edition (PDMS-2)
This facilitates the measuring of developing motor skills by assessing reflexes, stationary tasks, locomotion tasks, object manipulation, grasping, and visual-motor integration.
The Movement Assessment Battery for Children – Second Addition (Movement ABC-2)
The Movement ABC-2 helps to identify a delay or impairment in motor function within children, help to plan intervention programmes, measure changes as a result of interventions. This is one of the assessments administered for children with a possible dyspraxia diagnosis.
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)
The functional capabilities and performance of children are assessed using this tool and allows for the evaluation of both capability and performance in the areas of self-care, mobility, and social function.
The Roll Evaluation of Activities of Life (The REAL)
This is used as a screening to help assess a child’s ability to care for themselves at home, at school, and in the community.
The School Function Assessment (SFA)
The student’s performance of functional tasks and activities that support participation in school are evaluated with this tool. The main parts focus on participation, tasks support, and activity performance.
The Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH)
This assessment is ideal for providing evidence for Access Arrangements for tests. It also helps to identify handwriting difficulties and target areas for intervention.
The Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration(VMI)
The assessment focuses on an individual’s ability to integrate visual and motor abilities. This assessment can be used as part of assessing handwriting skills.
Sensory Assessments
Our sensory assessments consist of assessing how an individual cope’s with sensory information on a daily basis and how they manage various environments. Assessment will include an observation as well as taking a history profile from parents, family members, and/or school personnel.
As part of our assessments we may utilise standardised assessments including:
- Sensory Profile 2 which helps to evaluate a child’s sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school, and community-based activities.
- The Adolescent / Adult Sensory Profile which is designed to measure sensory processing patterns and how it effects functional performance.
- The Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) measures sensory functioning at home, at school, and in the community.

The sensory assessment can be completed in clinic, at home, or at school. Following the assessment, the Occupational Therapist will explain the findings from assessment and if requested provide a sensory report with recommendations.
At Seirrah OT we provide advice and guidance on approaching and managing sensory needs which may include a sensory diet, accommodations, advice of equipment, or sensory activities.
If you would like more information on our assessments, please email us on or call 02920 023314

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02920 023314
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Walnut Tree Farm Park,
St.Brides, NP10 8SQ
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